Monday, March 31, 2008

can't find anyone to Borobudur.. (go alone..??)

As in my previous post, I am looking for a travel mate or a few travel mates to either Angkor Wat or Borobudur in next month or May.. but I really can't get anyone.. arghhhh...!! been asking frens on the weekend desperately, but none of them are interested.. except there is a fren who are interested to Angkor Wat but he could only can make it somewhere in September.. OMG!! 6 more months to go.. it is too far away for me.. but what can I ask more..?? at least finally I have a travel mate to Angkor Wat.. haha!! can't really wait for the day to come.. YEAH!!

The story is not yet finsh.. I still wanna go Borobudur either next month or in May.. but I know the chance of making it happen is really low bcuz I have asked those frens who I think we can travel together.. unless I go alone then it's different story.. should I..?? I am so desperate now to find a travel mate to Borobudur.. arghhh...!!!! I really wanna get out from here and go to get some fresh air in another piece of land..

1 comment:

Keiron Low said...

if no one acc u go u pay everything then i go la... then u mah got ppl acc u lor... wakaka :P