Monday, November 5, 2007

thinking of change for my gym..

last saturday i was talking with a gym mates, he was saying that he just bought a burn fat gel to apply on his abs after the workout.. basically this gel will helps to burn more fat than usual.. it sounds quite interesting to me because i always wanna have a flat abs.. although i do a lot of cardio and sit up but my abs seems like still the same, always a little tummy there which is very irritating... while i am really interesting to know more about the product than he told me the price... OMG!! it costs RM200+ and one bottle only can use for about 3 weeks.. that is too much for me.. i know although i use the gel but i still need to watch my diet.. else i can't expect a big improvement..

beside abs... i do wish to have a bigger ot nicer shape of bicep and chest.. i do body pump classes and i do free weight training too (2 times a week..) but again.... i don't see any improvement on that.. i know the reason is because i didn't take any protein supplementary which will help your muscle grow bigger... i know no matter how hard i do, i still won't get a nice bicep and chest if i didn't take the supplementary.. so i am thinking whether should i give myself a try to take the supplementary?? heart from my friend at the initial stage your body might not get use to it and you may have some side effects, so he advised me that if i really wanna take supplementary than i should take more fruits or fruit juice to reduce the impact..

well, i am still considering about the protein supplementary.. should i have a try or should i just stay with what i am having now... no pay no gain.. no pay no beauty.. aiks.....!!

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