Thursday, June 19, 2008

little tip to lose weight..

I bet we saw a lot of articles about weight control by diet in newspaper or magazine.. recently I saw this one in a magazine and would like to share it with those who wanna lose weight.. the little tip here is >> 3 days continuously in a week just take apples and drink water and strictly no other foods.. on the 4th day(the first day you start to eat normal), start to eat something light and don't take high contents of calorie and fat foods.. based on the article, you will lose 3-5kg in a month..

Sounds impossible for me, if I follow the plan, I don't think I have energy to come to work and not to say go to gym and workout.. maybe can try if I am talking 3 days off and just stay at home for DVD and in bed.. haha!! so far, still no intention to try that.. for those who are interested.. all the best and good luck..!!

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