Thursday, June 26, 2008

Please try to be punctual in your next class..

Lately there are more new members in our fitness centre, which I think it is something good because more people can make the gym become more happening and at the same time we have more people to see during our break.. haha!!

One thing that really make us mad is those new members who wanna join the group exercise class.. most of them are always late to enter the class.. I mean it is fine if you are late because you may caught in the jam or something.. but if you are enter the class late please be more consider of others and don't just squeeze yourself in between us, why not just stand at some other place because there are still lot of space in the studio.. wondering why they like to squeeze in a small space..?? what I hate most is in Body Combat class which we need a lot of space for kicking and jumping, next time I will kick their ass, haha.. it is same for Body Pump class, just like last Sunday when we are doing second track, suddenly these two ladies enter the studio and put two boards in front of me where the space is only enough for one.. they are blocking my view and also interrupt my movements, so by no choice I have to move my board to the corner.. and these two bitch(sorry can't think of any other better word to describe them..), just pretend nothing.. WTF!! I should suggest to the instructor lock the door once the class has started or ask those who are late stand at the front row.. any other better suggestions??

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